This reading was very abstract and conceptual but i believe I understand what it's talking about. The section I found the most thought provoking was the part where it talked about how we wouldn’t understand lions even if they could speak. “If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.” “He meant that the schism between human culture and the lion’s world is so great that a mere linguistic code cannot bridge the gap” I like this idea because it gives insight to how the mere processes animals communicate are very different from humans. And while we respect this idea, we have to come to terms with the fact that species evolve over thousands of years to develop their communication skills and it would be near impossible to ever understand them. I also enjoyed the section that discussed light and sound and how we perceive them. Some animals/insects can hear and see things we cannot. For example some animals can see ultraviolet light and hear decibels far higher or lower than the human ear. It gives some perspective when thinking about sound and sight and how we interact with our world. What we see, hear, and produce is transcribed very differently depending on what is experiencing it. It is fascinating how technology enables us to lightly communicate with some animals while also being used to create entirely new sounds never heard before, (as far as we know).Overall this reading gave some awesome perspective that I hope to apply in my own way to my own work.