1. Full name & Gender? Jakob Thomtratus Northelius (Male)
2. Species? Ancient advanced lizard species
3. Zodiac Sign? Aquarius
4. 3 fears? Dying, invasion/ destruction of home planet, death of friends/relatives.
5. 3 things I love? Technology, Science, Space cowboy (space wrangling)
6. 4 turn ons? Fresh skin after shedding, naked lady lizards, symmetrical features, big butts.
7. 4 turn offs? Shedded skin, poop smells, someone else eating the last cricket, bad space ship parking.
8. Best friend? Blakob Bensilius
9. Sexual orientation? Bisexual
10. Height? 10 feet 6 inches
11. What do I miss the most? Being a child
12. Favorite color? Orange
13. My current crush? None but celebrity crush is Megan fox.
14. Favorite quote? “I LIKE THAT” -Human workaholics
15. Favorite place? The desert of reptilia
16. Favorite music? Experimental alien bass music
17. Favorite Food? Breakfast burrito with bacon and cricket sauce
18. Eye color? Green
19. Hair, fur, scales or skin color? Scales, Soft yellow underbelly, multiple colors and patterns of green and red everywhere else.
20. Style? Ancient advanced lizard society style. Somewhat primal looking with integrated technology.
21. Last book I read? Green infrastructure and technology; Don't read books unless they're factual, mostly read on the lizardnet though.
22. Have I ever kissed that last person I texted? Yes
23. Someone I love? Katen Stewlilium
24. Current relationship status? Married to Katen Stewlilium
25. Relationship with my parents? Okay, don't spend much time with them.
26. Favorite holiday Reptilia independence day
27. Political standing. Very progressive, somewhat democratic.
28. Tattoos I have. No tattoos, skin patterns.
29. Tattoos I want. Neck tattoo
30. Last person I hugged. Katen Stewlilium
31. What I did during quarantine. Mostly ate deep fried crickets. Completed new technology implants.
32. How long does it take me to get ready? About 15 minutes
33. Where am I right now? At home in the desert of reptilia
34. My main addiction? Space wrangling
35. My profession? Product and technology designer
36. My education? Masters degree in lizard technology.
37. Where I grew up? Desert of reptilia
38. Best 2 personality traits? Loving and funny
39. 2 worst personality traits? Sometimes selfish and inconsiderate of people
40. What I love most about myself? Can always look on the bright side
41. What I love most about my friends? They're skitz and adventurous
42. What my friends love most about me? I am a loyal friend
43. How do I feel right now? A little full, Just had leafy greens and fried crickets. But mostly happy
44. My Religion? No real religion, lizard people know the secrets of the universe.
45. My pet(s)? Have a talking dog named orion